Customer FAQs


What are pet insurance excesses & contributions?

1 Sept 2023

When you make a claim, you’ll need to pay an amount towards the claim, called your contribution; it includes your excess, the remaining cover %, and any items which the plan doesn't pay for.

  • Excess is a set amount that is only payable once per condition. You can chose $0, $100 or $200.

  • Cover is either 80%, 90% or 100% which means you will be responsible for your remaining 20% or 10%.

For example:

For a $1,000 claim, which includes an accessory of $50 of which we don’t cover and where you have a $100 excess and 90% cover %:

Your contribution would be: $235, made up of

  • $50 accessory not covered

  • $100 excess

  • ($1000 - $50 -$100 = $850) x 10% = $85 remaining cover %

We'd pay 90% of $850 = $765