
Pet Care

Christmas with Paws: Keeping Your Pets Safe and Merry


Dr Andrew

22 Dec 2023

📖 Key Takeaways

  1. Identify and avoid holiday foods that are a no-go for pets

  2. Understand the risks of festive decorations and find safer alternatives

  3. Recognize and steer clear of hazardous holiday plants

  4. Create a stress-free and enjoyable Christmas environment for your pets

  5. Be prepared for any pet emergencies with quick action and know-how

The Naughty List of Christmas Foods for Pets

Chocolate & Sweets: These are not doggy delights. Chocolate can turn your merry night into a vet fright with symptoms like vomiting and heart palpitations

The Pudding Peril: Those festive puddings and cakes might look tempting to your pooch, but they're packed with sultanas and grapes, which can lead to kidney failure

Onions & Garlic: They might be the secret to your stuffing, but they're a secret danger to your pets, potentially causing serious blood issues

Alcohol & Xylitol: The party staples that should never make it to your pet’s palate. These can cause anything from a woozy woofer to a seriously sick sidekick

Macadamia Nuts: Macadamia nuts are toxic to dogs and can cause muscle weakness, tremors, and fever

Ham Bones: They might seem like the ultimate dog treat, but they're really a recipe for choking or a painful bout of pancreatitis

Fetch covers your pets when they eat something they shouldn't have at Christmas!

Pet-Proof Your Decor

Pine Trees: A Christmas classic, but those needles can be a stomachache waiting to happen for your furry vacuum cleaners

Poinsettias, Holly, Mistletoe: Sure, they look nice, but they’re not so nice if ingested. These plants can cause everything from a mildly upset tummy to severe symptoms, so keep them up high or choose fake ones

Ornaments & Lights: Keep these twinkly hazards out of reach to avoid a holiday trip to the vet

Gifts Under the Tree: Your pet might think they’re all for them. Be vigilant of stealthy sniffers and sneaky unwrappers

Creating a Holly Jolly Pet-Safe Christmas

Secure Your Christmas Tree: Anchor your tree firmly and keep ornaments and lights out of paws' reach. Consider avoiding tinsel, which can be particularly tempting and dangerous if ingested

Mindful Stocking Stuffers: Choose robust toys that can withstand a good gnawing, and remember, too many treats can lead to not-so-festive bellyaches

Dinner Table Discipline: Resist those puppy-dog eyes. Rich, fatty foods can cause upset stomachs or worse in pets, so stick to pet-appropriate treats

Create a Safe Haven: Provide a quiet, comfortable space for your pets away from the hustle and bustle of holiday gatherings. This can help reduce stress and anxiety for more sensitive animals

Emergency Preparedness: Remember Fetch has a 24/7 emergency vet line if anything does come up with your pet

Wrapping Up

This festive season, while decking the halls and rocking around the Christmas tree, keep your pets safe with these straightforward tips. A little caution mixed with a lot of love will ensure that everyone in your household, furry ones included, enjoys a safe and happy holiday. Remember, if things go awry, Fetch vetline is just a phone call away. Happy Holidays from the Fetch team!