What do I do before I go to my vet?

1 Aug 2023

If they are your usual vet - nothing! Go to any vet of your choice and once you’re done with your visit - you can submit a claim in-app. If they are a new vet, let us know via your app and we will speak to them about direct claims.

Finally, if you would like to know what you are covered for before treatment, let your vet know you’re with Fetch and they can check your pet's covered by submitting a pre-approval.

Nothing! Go to any vet of your choice and once you’re done with your visit - you can submit a claim in-app or let your vet know you’re with Fetch and they can submit it for you.

If you have to decide on treatments for your pet, let your vet know you’re with Fetch and they can check your pet’s cover and contribution by submitting a pre-approval to Fetch.

You can also add your vet in your app. This way, (if they haven't already) we can setup an account for them to submit claims and pre-approvals and speed up the process.