Customer FAQs


What are Fast Claims?

1 Sept 2023

Fast Claims is our way of making claims as transparent and easy as possible. Here’s how it works:

  1. Tell us which vets your pet has been to (please include and emergency/out of hours and referral vets)

  2. Your vet sends us your pet’s health history (now instead of at claim time)

  3. We work with your vets to review your pet's medical history and check for pre-existing conditions

  4. When you submit a claim, once we receive all details of the claim (including any questions we might have), we can check your pet’s cover super quick

If your vet opts in to direct payments, we can pay them for the whole treatment. This means we collect only the excess, contribution and any items not covered from you instead of the full bill. Note that if the claim is not covered, you will still need to pay for treatment.